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Cat. No.
500 x 20µl Reactions
2000 x 20µl Reactions

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Outstanding assay reproducibility, sensitivity and robustness from both DNA and RNA templates, under fast thermal cycling conditions.

Product Highlights

  • Reproducible – consistent results between technical replicates for increased confidence in results
  • Specific – antibody-mediated hot-start DNA polymerase minimizes non-specific amplification for improved assay sensitivity and reliability
  • Sensitive – reliable quantification of low abundance targets and scarce samples
  • Robust – reliable, accurate detection of DNA and RNA targets from a broad range of sample types
  • Fast – delivers reproducible, accurate assay results in as little as 30 minutes

Product Description

The SensiFAST™ SYBR Hi-ROX Kit has been developed for fast, highly accurate real-time PCR and has been validated on all commonly-used real-time instruments that require a high concentration of the passive reference dye ROX.

A combination of the latest advances in buffer chemistry and PCR enhancers ensures that the SensiFAST SYBR Hi-ROX Kit produces reliable assay results under fast thermal cycling conditions.  An antibody-mediated hot-start DNA polymerase system promotes highly-specific amplification, in turn improving assay sensitivity and dynamic range. 

The SensiFAST SYBR® Hi-ROX Kit has been optimized to deliver optimal performance in tandem with the SensiFAST cDNA Synthesis Kit, which offers fast, unbiased cDNA synthesis, without compromising cDNA yield or coverage.


  • Gene expression analysis
  • DNA / RNA target detection
  • miRNA profiling / quantification
  • Copy number variation (CNV) analysis

SensiFAST Products Customer Review

SensiFAST SYBR No-ROX One-Step Kit Customer Review

One-step Vs. Two-step real-time RT PCR

A discussion of the pros and cons of each detection strategy.

I had a very good experience with the SensiFAST SYBR. It was quick and easy to use, while also providing me with near perfect R-squared values and dissociation curves. Even when compared to other, more expensive, master mixes, I obtained results of equal or better quality.

Mariah Meyer, University of Montana, DBS, US

Instrument Compatibility

Please refer to the Real-Time PCR Selection Chart to confirm the SensiFAST SYBR® Hi-ROX Kit is compatible with your instrument.




500 x 20 µL Reactions

2000 x 20 µL Reactions

SensiFAST SYBR® Hi-ROX mix (2x)

5 x 1 mL

4 x 5 mL



  • BIO-92005: 500 x 20 µL Reactions: 5 x 1 mL
  • BIO-92020: 2000 x 20 µL Reactions: 4 x 5 mL

Storage & Stability

All kit components should be stored at -20°C upon receipt for optimum stability. Repeated freeze/thaw cycles should be avoided. Avoid exposure of the SYBR® Green I to light.

When stored under the recommended conditions and handled correctly, full activity of the kit is retained until the expiry date indicated on the outer box label.

Shipping conditions

SensiFAST SYBR® Lo-ROX Kit is shipped on dry/blue ice



"I used a trial of the SensiFAST SYBR Hi-ROX Kit for my qPCR requirements. ... "

"I have tested SensiFAST SYBR Hi-ROX using rat cDNA samples, on a Taqman 7900 ... "

"I have tested SensiFAST SYBR Hi-ROX using mouse cDNA samples, on a ... "

""SensiFAST SYBR Hi-ROX Kit reagents gave lower C(t) values than ... "


Fluorescein is an alternative passive reference dye used just in the Bio-Rad instruments (see Product Selection Tool), the SensiFAST SYBR & Fluorescein contains fluorescein premixed in the mastermix at optimised concentrations.

For your convenience the SensiFAST kits have an optimized amount of SYBR® Green in the mastermix.

This is not possible because the SYBR® is pre-mixed into the SensiFAST SYBR® mastermix.

SensiFAST One-Step Kits can be used with most RNA/cDNA templates. To give you some idea of a few of the types of templates used with these kits:

Human - Rosato R.R., et al. Cancer Res. 67: 9490-500 (2007)
Rat - Remund K., et al. Expt. Lung Res. 35: 359-370 (2009)
Drosophila - Brown A.E., et al. PloS ONE 4: e4490 (2009)
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria - Bahlawane C., et al. Mol. Plant-Microbe Inter. 21: 1498-1509 (2008)
Diphtheria bacteria - Jochmann N., et al. Microbiology 155: 1459-1477 (2009)
Green algae - Wobbe L., et al. PNAS 106: 13290-13295 (2009)
Bovine virus - Park S-I., et al. J. Virol. Methods. 159: 64-6 (2009)

For cDNA/DNA templates SensiFAST SYBR® and Probe kits are used. To give you some idea of a few of the types of templates used with these kits:

Stem Cell - Bernardo A.S., et al. Stem Cells 27(2): 341 -351 (2008)
Cow - Baumert A., et al. J. Dairy Research 76(3): 356-364 (2009)
Mouse - Hoyles R.K., et al. Arthritis Rheum. 58(4): 1175-88 (2008)
Quail - De Winter P., et al. British Poultry Science 49(5): 566 – 573 (2008)
Insect - Bass C., et al. Malaria journal 6 111 (2007)
Fish - Miller M.R., et al. J. Nutr. 138(11): 2179-2185 (2008)
Crab - Wilcockson D.C. & Webster S.G. Gen. & Comp. Endo. 156: 113–125 (2008)
Nematode - Murray S.L., et al. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interactions 20(11): 1431–1438 (2007)
Plant - Hecht V., et al. Plant Physiology Preview DOI:10.1104/pp.107.096818 (2007)
Yeast - Kawauchi J., et al. Genes & Dev. 22: 1082-1092 (2008)
E.coli Bacteria - Saeed H.A., et al. Research J. Microbiology 4(4); 173-177 (2009)
Virus - Muscillo M., et al. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 191: 1-4 (2008)

Although SensiFAST kits have been designed for fast PCR on the new generation of fast machines, they will work equally well for standard or fast PCR protocols on all real-time PCR machines.

Polymerase activity during the reaction set-up causes non-specific amplification including primer-dimer formation. To avoid non-specific amplification the polymerase is only activated after heating at 95°C for 2-3 minutes.

When comparing SensiFAST with a mix from another supplier we strongly recommend to use the suggested conditions for PCR setup and cycling. Every real-time mix has its specific composition and different properties. That’s why they should be tested with their specific conditions, mostly this is possible on different plates only. We recommend amplifying from a ten-fold template dilution series. Loss of detection at low template concentration is the only direct measurement of sensitivity. An early Ct value is not an indication of good sensitivity, but rather an indication of speed.

The emission recorded from ROX during the baseline cycles is used to normalize the emission recorded from the reporter (SYBR®) in later cycles in some instruments. ROX compensates for small fluorescent fluctuations such as bubbles and well-to-well variations that may occur.

The amount of the ROX passive reference dye needed varies depending on the instrument optics. Our SensiFAST kits have been optimized for all these different instruments (see Product Selection Tool).

Multiple products in melting curve analysis may be caused by unspecific products or primer dimer. However, appearance of multiple bands in melting curve analysis does not necessarily show different products. Multiple peaks may also appear, if distinct regions of the PCR product melt at different temperatures (e.g. due to an inconsistent GC content). We recommend to analyze the PCR product on a gel, to decide if unspecific products are present. The troubleshooting guide of your product insert includes several suggestions to solve these problems. In many cases problems with non-specific products can be solved if the annealing temperature is increased and/or the elongation time is decreased. If you have further questions, please contact Meridian Technical Support.

SYBR® Green I is an inexpensive, universal dye which binds to all dsDNA. It can be easily used in combination with a simple primer pair to detect PCR products in real-time. This dye is very attractive for researchers analysing lots of different genes.

The probe system is always specific, probes only detect the gene of interest. It is also possible to distinguish between similar sequences with small differences like SNPs or mutations. In general, probe assays need less optimization than SYBR® Green I assays.

This method is only effective if all the researchers in the laboratory, or using the thermocycler, are all using a dUTP/dNTP and UNG system. If even one researcher is not, it ceases to be an effective control. Using dUTP has also been shown to be inefficient as it increases the Ct values by reducing reaction efficiency. Most labs do not need to use the dUTP method of control, optimised protocols will allow high specificity of PCR and good lab practices (using disposable consumables, the use of filter tips and maintaining a separate area for PCR set-up and PCR amplification and any post-PCR analysis) virtually eliminate the risk of cross contamination.

In a one-step reaction the reverse transcription reaction and the real-time PCR reaction are done in one tube, making this a closed tube assay, so contamination can be avoided. It saves pipetting steps and time and is easy in handling, making it ideal for high throughput screening. In a two-step reaction the reverse transcription reaction and the real-time PCR reaction are done in separate tubes. It gives a more flexible way of working in that the cDNA can be used for more than one real-time PCR reaction and can be archived, eliminating the need to continually isolate RNA. For convenience Meridian sells the SensiFAST cDNA Synthesis Kit separately if you wish to take a two-step approach.

A possible reason is that the template amount is too concentrated. An early Ct may impair the baseline correction and may cause these strange curves. We suggest to dilute the template. Alternatively if the curve is flattened, this may be due to inhibitors in the reaction. Running a serial dilution of your sample will dilute the inhibitor concentration, if this corrects the problem, you will either need to go back and re-purify your template, or use it at a lower concentration, where the inhibitor effect has been diluted out.